Sunday, April 15, 2012

Little Miss Madelyn

Meet Madelyn, the youngest of three beautiful little girls.  She loves singing, picking flowers, purple jelly beans, butterflies, hide and go seek, playing in the dirt, feeling the grass between her toes, following after her sisters, and she absolutely LOVES having her picture taken.


"Bees!" she shouted, with equal parts fear and intrigue.  She stood her ground until they buzzed away.  "Come Nadia," she commanded as we headed off toward the barn.  Once we got there she peered through every hole, shuffled through the dusty dirt piles, and glanced back every now and then to make sure that I was still snapping photos.  


After all of the clover and buttercups, fence climbing, itsy bitsy spider, counting behind trees, and rolling in the grass, I had made a new friend.  By the end of our session, she was full of snacks and exhausted from being the center of attention.  She cuddled up with mom, kissed her belly (there's a baby boy in there) and dropped her head down on her shoulder.  Being a star is hard work :) 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sweet Dreams Caitlin

Today I had the pleasure of spending the morning with the McGowan family.  It was an action packed couple of hours.  Not only did I get to hunt for snails and centipedes with Liam, but I also had the chance to photograph one precious little newborn - Caitlin. 

After family pictures under the Dogwood blossoms, climbing trees, digging in the dirt, playing with the dog, squinting in the sun and quality baby sister and I retreated to Caitlin's nursery and waited for her to fall asleep. 

We waited...eyes wide open, we waited...hiccups, we waited...cold little toes, we waited as 5, 10, 20 minutes went by...and...then her little eyelids dropped.  Quickly we undressed her, redressed her, posed her sweet little feet, changed headbands and bows and ribbons, moved her from couch to mom to blanket to mom again...and just before she woke up...the shoot was complete.  I'm sure as soon as I left, she slept for hours!  I had a great time, and couldn't have asked for a better newborn and family to spend my Sunday morning with.  After all, I got to practice patience and good things come to those who wait.